Register Your Pet


Only the above-named individuals can access patient information, make care decisions, and discuss your pet with our team. We adhere strictly to client/patient confidentiality and will not discuss patient details with those not listed on file. *


Please forward all previous veterinary records to prior to your pet's appointment.

CODE OF CONDUCT: Our team members are here because they want to help you with your furry friends. To best support them in this, it is imperative that all communications are respectful in nature. Obscene, abusive, or rude behavior towards any member of our team, or another client, is not acceptable. We reserve the right to discontinue services to anyone who exhibits behavior of this nature.

PAYMENT POLICY: Payment is due at the time services are rendered. Acceptable payment methods include cash, debit, Mastercard, Visa and e-transfer. Harbour Cities Veterinary Hospital does not bill for services. If you have payment concerns - please speak to a member of the reception team about third-party payment options prior to your pet receiving care.

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