Nail Trimming and Ear Cleaning

Dogs require routine nail trims and ear cleanings to preserve their general well-being.

Did you know that keeping up your dog’s appearance has added health benefits? Long nails can be problematic for your dog when going for walks, climbing stairs or maneuvering on slippery floors. Dogs with arthritis or other mobility issues need all the help they can get, keeping their nails trimmed is something you can do to make getting around easier. Some dogs are prone to ear problems, especially those dogs with floppy ears. If ear cleaning has been recommended by your veterinarian be sure to use an approved cleaner – some home remedies do more harm than good.

How often should I cut my dog’s nails?

Much like with people, dog’s nails grow at different rates. A good rule of thumb is that you don’t want to hear your dog’s nails clicking on the floor. As the nail grows so does the blood vessel inside (often called “the quick”), leaving you with a long nail that can’t be trimmed very much for risk of hurting your dog. Many dogs come for monthly nail trims to prevent those quicks from growing.

How often should my dog have their ear’s cleaned?

Routine cleaning of your dog’s ears should only be done on the advice of your veterinarian as cleaning can upset the flora balance of the ears, leading to infections. Some dogs rarely, if ever, need to have their ears cleaned and others need more cleaning depending on the season and their activities.

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