Fleas and Ticks

Fleas and ticks cause discomfort and illness, highlighting the need for consistent prevention.

Do these pests “tick” you off or have you “fleaing” to another country? These parasites are at best annoying, and at worst downright harmful to your pet. Flea infestations can lead to anemia and heavy intestinal parasite burdens with tapeworm. They can also bite us non-furry folk, and while they can’t live or reproduce on humans they can make us itchy! Due to our ever-changing climate, we no longer have a flea or tick season, and it is best to keep your dog protected year-round. The good news is there are a lot of safe and effective products available through our veterinary clinic that can tackle multiple pests at once. Call us today to find out what option is best for your four-legged friends.

How can you tell if your dog has fleas & ticks?

Unlike some parasites, both ticks and fleas are visible to the naked eye. You may or may not see your pet scratching if they have fleas. You will likely see either fleas and/or flea dirt (little black flecks that look like pepper). Ticks are larger than fleas and grow as they feed on your dog, changing colour at the same time from a dark brown to greyish. Ticks often look like small skin tags as the tick embeds its head under your dog’s skin and only its body is visible. Ticks should be removed using a specially designed, inexpensive tick remover (e.g. Tick Twister) to ensure all of the head and mouthparts are removed.

How do you prevent fleas & ticks in dogs?

As anyone who has dealt with a flea infestation can tell you, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! Proactively keeping these pests at bay is your best course of action. There are many safe and effective products available at our veterinary clinic to prevent flea infestations and tick attachment. Some products are topical (applied on your pet’s skin) while others are given by mouth. The frequency of administration depends on the product you choose.

What are the treatment options for ticks in dogs?

With a few products to choose from, the protection you use to guard your dog against tick attachment and subsequent transmission of tick-borne diseases like Lyme disease comes down most often to your preference as some products require monthly application/administration while others are designed to last three months per dose.

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