
Pet euthanasia delivers a compassionate farewell, easing suffering and distress.

Saying goodbye to your kitty, regardless of their age or how long they’ve been with you, is never easy. Euthanasia is the act of ending life in a controlled, pain-free setting with your trusted veterinary team at your side. You will undoubtedly have many questions when it comes time to make this decision, and we are here to help answer those for you, please call us at any time.

When should I consider euthanasia?

As a pet owner, you have a special bond with your cat and notice the subtle changes in their personality and behaviour. If you are concerned that it may be time to euthanize, please contact us. We will be able to book a euthanasia consultation with the veterinarian if you choose, to discuss your concerns more in-depth. Our veterinarians can help you make the right decision for you and your pet at that time, whether that’s treatment or euthanasia.

What happens during euthanasia?

We take great care to ensure you and your kitty are as comfortable as possible under the circumstances and we are always available to discuss any questions you have before your appointment. Upon arrival, you will be immediately escorted to an exam room where a member of our team will review the steps of the appointment and discuss aftercare options with you. Once all of your questions have been answered, and you are ready to proceed, the veterinarian will come in to begin the appointment. All pets receive an injection of a sedative to help them relax. Our nursing team will then place an IV catheter to allow clear access to the vein. At this point you may choose to spend a bit of time with your pet or, if you are ready, the veterinarian can perform the euthanasia. Euthanasia is done by injecting a highly concentrated barbiturate that quickly and painlessly causes your pet’s heart to cease beating.

Do you do house calls?

We are pleased to offer a house call service through our Woodbury Veterinary Hospital on Robie Street in Halifax. Please call 902-443-4663 (HOME) to schedule an appointment.

Can you stay with your cat during euthanasia?

We understand that every moment you have with your pet is precious, sometimes this is most accurate when they are their last moments. We encourage you to lead with your heart on this decision and know that at any time you are free to change your mind. We also understand that each pet owner copes with the loss of a pet in their way and for some staying are too difficult. There is no right or wrong, and we are here to support your needs during this difficult time. If you choose not to remain with your pet through the appointment, rest assured that our compassionate treatment team are ever present to be with and care for your beloved pet in their last moments.

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